Thursday, August 30, 2012

this crazy internet

i recently got a computer and started ,(surfing the net) learning about the net,and it is shameful..trying to get an honest answer is like finding a needle in a haystack.lets say you wanted to find out about carrots,well for one you would go to a web page full of carrots all right,how to get insurance an them,get credit on them,get a loan on them,whoo whee a web page full of scams,a mine field of the worst of humanity trying to rip you off,get into your computer,give you a virus,get your bank number,wow it is bad,but for one thing,i guess it is teaching  our kids how to be warriors,internet warriors that is..there should be an agency to moniter these dishonest going ons....

Saturday, August 18, 2012

lets get real,okay.if there was no such thing as aliens visiting earth why and i mean why does are government go to so much trouble to debunke it..there is just too much proof out there staring  us in the face....granted there are some people who need proof such as a ride around are planete in a spaceship,with aliens,and then some would say well i was dreaming or somebody gave me something to make me see other words some will not believe  nomatter what  ,now for one,are race has gone from horse and buggy to the moon  in just over a hundred years..can you imagine a race thousands of years older,oh but of coarse if we dont have it , can not imagine it,it can not be, right..we would be like prehistoric man vs todays mankind to them..there are things we can not even imagine out there and around us..if they were watching us would there not be a base of operations say, mars or the moon,(is that why we have not been to the moon,we know something, )it could even be possible they have been here all along,(the missing link,in are genes) is all this and so much more that hard to swallow or  believe ,,can you imagine what a higher race of being are saying about us,,they are not ready to see us,they would panic and possibly destroy themeselfs,,we can not give them such knowledge it would destroy them,,it comes down to this,are we ready if it did happin..any race watching us would think what,,they are bloodthirsty they kill each other for every reason religion,drugs money,land,color,race,,,i bet they could talk for days about serious flaws in are race..and in the end one alien says to the other,,they are not ready,give them another hundred years,,then,well see...